Many students like you want to better understand the Christian faith and tradition. Some are new to Christianity. Some find their ideas of Christianity are changing. Some want to be able to articulate the Christian faith better. Some realize that they call themselves Christian but have never dug into what that means.

OCC has a fifteen meeting journey to reflect on the Bible’s big story and your own life story. During our time together you will:

  • Engage with the gospel, a word that means good news (what is the good news…really?)
  • Feel more confident in talking about why Christianity is good news
  • Understand the narrative scope of the Bible
  • Incorporate new habits that will shape your heart, strength & mind
  • Be mentored and learn to mentor others

Interested? Contact Chaplain Ryan to chat about a possible one-on-one or small group journey for you.


We read scripture in order to be refreshed in our memory and understanding of the story within which we ourselves are actors, to be reminded where it has come from and where it is going to, and hence what our own part within it ought to be.

-N. T. Wright